Welcome to Mountain Ridge Bible Chapel
Magnified! VBS will encourage kids to look closely at the details of God’s amazing world and magnify, or proclaim, the greatness of God. God made us, cares about us, loves us, forgives us, and is faithful to keep all His promises to us. We can praise God together! We were made to magnify God!
July 7 – July 11
9:15am – 12:15 grades PreK – 6th
7:00pm – 9:00 grades 7th – 12th; adult classes
Mountain Ridge Bible Chapel
763 Mountain Ave.
Berkeley Heights, NJ 08807
Fellowship of Believers United as One Body in Christ – Proclaiming Jesus Christ to All
- We are a non-denominational group of Bible believing Christians meeting in Berkeley Heights, NJ since 1962.
- We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, inerrant in the originals, and the final authority on matters of faith and conduct.
- We believe the answers to the social, moral, and spiritual problems of today are found in the Bible.
- We warmly invite you to attend our Sunday Services and any or all of our services during the week.